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Meachine Taps

Machine taps usually refer to high-speed steel ground taps, which are suitable for tapping on machine tools and can be used with bench drills or other CNC machine tools. The tap itself has only one function, which is tapping threads. Machine taps can be divided into through holes, blind holes, or both according to the applicable angle. How to better distinguish which machine tap is suitable for through holes or blind holes? Simply put, the cutting head of the machine tap suitable for through holes is straight, while the cutting head of the machine tap suitable for blind holes is twist drill-shaped. Of course, this is only the usual case and does not include special customized taps. Special machine taps are called extrusion taps. They are different from ordinary machine taps. Ordinary machine taps still use traditional tapping threads through chips, while the tap thread part of the extrusion tap has no cutting edge and relies on plastic deformation to extrude threads in the hole. It is suitable for copper alloys with lower strength and better plasticity. and aluminum alloy, and can also be used for tapping materials with low hardness and high plasticity such as stainless steel and low carbon steel. Although extrusion taps belong to the category of machine taps, they are not common in the domestic market due to their particularity..,.


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